God's Love Is Not Broken

The only limits of love are the limits we put on ourselves.

There is nothing more painful than feeling unloved. It’s like being lost at sea, with no hope of rescue, and with the certainty that you will die alone. It’s a dark place where only love can bring light. And yet, many of us live in this place every day; we are broken from the inside out by our own mistakes, bad choices, abusive relationships, or just plain old circumstances that aren't fair. 

We try to find meaning in these situations and make sense of them but find ourselves empty-handed because life isn't always fair and sometimes there is no meaning or purpose found when tragedy strikes our lives or someone else's life who we love dearly.

Be that as it may, I want to remind you that God's love is unconditional. 

It is not based on whether we are good or bad, rich or poor, beautiful or unattractive—it is simply given to us freely. And while sometimes it may seem like God only loves happy people who live perfect lives and never make mistakes, the truth is that He doesn't care about those things at all!

God's love for you is the same as His love for me: unconditional. 

Anytime I am going through a hard time, God always reminds me that He loves me no matter what my circumstances may be. Even though I'm scared sometimes and feel like giving up because it seems too difficult to bear at times, he still sends others along my path who will encourage me (even if they don't realize what kind of impact their words have).

God's love for us never broke; it just required healing.

Whenever you are struggling to feel God’s love, I want you to remember the following. 

  • God's love is unconditional.

  • God's love is perfect.

  • God's love is eternal.

  • God's love has no limits, boundaries, or conditions.

  • God will never leave you.

  • God is always with you.

  • He is a good God.

  • God is a loving God.

Also, God is a forgiving God! He wants to forgive you for all the sins that keep you from being in His presence if only you would ask Him to forgive them and not hold any grudges against anyone else who has wronged you (Matthew 6:14-15).

The love of God is not broken. It is never lost, it is always available and ready to forgive.

God’s love is not broken because it was never meant to be broken in the first place! God’s love is always waiting on you to open your heart and receive him into it.

Love is a choice, it's a decision and it can be an action. Love is not just a feeling you get when someone treats you well: it's also what you put into your relationships with others. 

Our God is loving, but He doesn't expect us to keep His commandments out of obligation or duty - we do so because we want to! We want to honor Him in our actions because He has honored us by giving us life when we were dead in sin (Romans 5:8).

In this way, our love for God isn't just about duty or obligation; it's about choosing Him above all else as our delight and joy (Psalm 16:11)!

God sees all of your struggles and wants to help in any way he can. He knows how hard it can be when we are feeling down on ourselves or unloved by others, but don’t give up! Remember that God loves each of us more than we can comprehend—and this love is not broken!

Many people have been hurt by their family members or loved ones, but God still loves them completely. If a person rejects this love from God because they have been hurt in the past by others who should have loved them instead, then they need to know that there is hope for them still because Jesus Christ died on the cross so that all sins could be forgiven—including those who reject his love out of fear or anger towards others who betrayed them before.

I hope this post has helped you realize that God’s love is not broken, it just needs healing. If you feel unloved by God or others, remember to reach out to Him and ask for help. He will never leave you alone or forsake you because He loves you so much!

If you want to see more of God’s brand of love in action, I am inviting you to pick up a copy of my book - God’s Instant. It is the story of a cowboy who was struggling under the weight of his father’s past and a girl who was struggling with grief. They both find love and acceptance in the most unexpected place and with the last people they expected. It is $9.99 and it is available for purchase in the bookstore (It is currently only available in digital format at this time).


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