Gates - A Short Story
Bruce Blizard Bruce Blizard

Gates - A Short Story

I have not always worked on horseback. I spent much of my youth in the suburban deserts that surround Seattle and Tacoma, Washington. I used to make my living with words before they stopped.

Then for a while, I stood daily in front of a room full of children. In the arrogance of my fading youth, I believed I spoke to a deep need in their lives. Then one day I discovered the arrogance and realized the need was not theirs, but mine.

So, I stopped.

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Find God in The Rugged Places
Bruce Blizard Bruce Blizard

Find God in The Rugged Places

God is present in your circumstances. You don’t have to be at church to experience God. God is always with us and is always working through our circumstances. But we have to pay attention and be available.

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